October 12, 2015
We all possess it, we all need it, but we don't understand. We have all heard of the term "adrenaline junkies," and we think of thrill-seekers like parachuters and extreme sports performers. What does this mean?
Adrenaline is the hormone in our body helping us react to fright and flight situations. The brain signals the adrenal glands to release adrenaline and other hormones directly into the bloodstream. The response is immediate to systems in the body and receives a physical boost, an increase of strength and speed, and decreased pain. This surge of energy is the adrenaline rush.
There is a big difference between fight or flight syndrome and stressful situations that are not dangerous. When a non-dangerous tense situation occurs, the body reacts differently. The adrenal glands will produce more glucose and may cause the body to feel edgy and irritable. Doing something with physical assertion will help relieve this feeling.
I believe we would all benefit largely as a society if we could harness this rush into something positive. I have my fears, such as public speaking, skydiving, swimming in the ocean, riding a large motorcycle... those are fears and phobias that I may or may not attempt to face.
Trying to use adrenaline to your advantage can be a key to conquering your fears. The skill comes into how to harness your emotions so that the adrenaline can work its magic. For instance, you are in a situation when you are forced to confront somebody who makes you uncomfortable. Your fear might stop you dead in your tracks, but if you can block out the emotional response for a moment, the adrenaline will give you a surge of exuberance and exhilaration that can be to your benefit. The rush will provide a boost of confidence which will help you break the swarm of fear.
Many sports coaches realize that at the beginning of a sporting event, everybody has a significant burst of energy and adrenaline, and they should try to use this for a quick jump-start on an opponent. The crowd at an event drives the edginess and nervousness to a high level, and when the contest begins, the adrenaline zips through the athletes' veins. How that rush is used can be the difference in a good beginning and sometimes the factor in the outcome.
I use my adrenaline in public situations, which causes me anxiety. I force myself to block out the fear for a fleeting moment and project headlong into the situation. The adrenaline does its thing to light my internal fuse, and I can approach the moment with a little more swagger. Next time you find the dance floor empty but know you are an awkward dancer, go for it and let it happen. Your adrenaline will carry you far as you want, people may look and stare, but you will not regret your decision.