What Pain? Put me in Coach!

Every team in the NFL posts an injury report, which Las Vegas uses to set odds for the weekly games. Injuries in competitive sports are unavoidable, but how they are managed from a team and personal perspective is the difference between winning and losing games. Owners fret and worry when their investments cannot perform, and the fans pay big dollars to attend games to see their beloved players. The pressure to be on the court or field is tremendous, along with being able to play through pain. How players react to pain and how they manage it is the ongoing nature of their profession.

All professional sporting franchises have a training staff that helps keep players performing and using proactive measures to ward off specific injuries. The most often occurring injury is muscle pulls and strains. They are not always avoidable, but it is also the injury that players will try to workaround. I am not sure how much pain-relieving medicine is used to help players perform on game day and the protocol for administrating such meds. I remember taking an 800mg ibuprofen before a baseball game to help with discomfort from a groin pull. It took all of the pain away, and I was ready to go. I also got this cloudy feeling in my mind and an upset stomach in the second inning of the game. I am sure ibuprofen would not be used for a groin pull if this was a professional sport. I was lucky I didn't do more damage and put a damper on things for a long time.

I am sure you can talk to any professional sports performer, and they will tell you crazy stories of what they had to do to get on the field. When it comes to the nitty-gritty, it becomes a question of how much pain you can endure and where it affects performance. The two significant factors are "pain tolerance" and "threshold of pain when dealing with injuries."

The pain threshold is the lowest level where you feel pain, and tolerance is the maximum level of pain that a person can handle. These factors often are muddled because pain and performance ability is so subjective. How much pain one athlete can endure and how it affects performance cannot always be measured until the athlete is in an actual game-time situation.  The medical staff needs to determine the risk of further injury, and the owners want to know if their property will perform.

We have all heard about how some players have a high pain tolerance. It has been explained to me in the following way; Pain tolerance is how we cope with pain. Some of it may be learned from prior experiences that condition the mind. This reaction is only a single individual effect and changes from one person to another. In addition, it has been tested that repeated pain exposure to some subjects’ manifests into boosted responses to pain even with minor pain stimuli. In summary, pain management is not measurable from person to person, which is based on prior experiences with pain stimuli.