Black Stretchy Pants
Black stretchy pants are overtaking jeans as the pant of choice for women. You won't find men complaining because of the apparent focus on the posterior, and you won't hear women complain because it seems like a quick and easy thing to throw on. Do you even iron them?
These britches could be lying on a bedroom floor for days; then, a female can put these on without anybody knowing the neglect they have been given. Of course, there are many colors to choose from, but black is the most popular. I once saw a flesh-colored pair adorned by a tall blond woman, which wrenched my neck for hours. Those pants need to be outlawed because of the havoc they can create.
I hope these pants never become men's fashion go-to. They cannot ever replace my scrubby cargo shorts no matter how much my wife pleads to throw them away. Men can always get away with quick and easy clothing; it's called the "Tee Shirt." We can wear them everywhere; to work, play, and dinner, and we won't be judged as much as a woman would if they started wearing them like us. They own their t-shirts, but they always seemed to be much more fashionable and ironed. I guess the black stretchy pant thing is here to stay unless loose and baggy make a comeback. Let's hope not.