Sibling Rivalry with Tennis Rackets
September 9, 2015
Tuesday gave us another look at the long-running sibling rivalry between Serena and Venus Williams. This doesn't appear to be much of a rivalry because Serena owns her sister on the court and seems too huggee-kissy to be a true rivalry anymore. The Venus match was no fly trap (bad pun) for Serena. She won in three sets and moved on to her quest to make a bit of history. She faces a big test moving forward into the semis to play Roberta Vinci, whom she has never beaten.
A true sibling rivalry needs a little more at stake and perhaps more jealousy to make it a really strong one. The Williams girls appear to be like best buds or BBF's to be very compelling. I think when they were younger, and both possessed equal ability, this rivalry was more potent. At 35, Venus will not beat her sister any time soon until they retire and are playing on the celebrity retiree charitable event circuit.
Those of you with siblings all know what a good competition is like between your brothers and sisters. You may have multiple siblings and love them all, but there is that one sibling who brings out the extra fire in your belly. Squabbles don't even need to be sports-related that heats the rivalry; it might be a game of Monopoly, tiddlywinks, or boyfriends and girlfriends. This is more prevalent when the ages are closer because you often blaze the same trail for most of your youth. I had three older brothers and one sister who sometimes had disputes with but only fought my closest in age brother. The other two were too big, and I got my ears boxed in.
I wonder how Peyton and Eli Manning did as they grew up because they look like a couple of guys who likely threw fists at each other. It is so weird to brawl with your brother. You are not fighting another kid or bully, but the battle is the guy stealing your loose change or who you think is cheating at cards. You don't want to punch for the face, but perhaps a submission hold or headlock will make them submit.
Maybe deep down, the Williams sisters are sick of each other's drama, but probably not. As you get older, you either grow closer together or, in some sad cases, never engage with them often, maybe only on holidays. I am thinking of the siblings who could be your most heated rivals but will be your closest ally and your buddy to the end.