Mo’ne Davis, the Girl with Mighty Arm

August 15, 2014

August 15, 2014

This young lady is not only an amazing athlete, but she is also an inspiration to all young girls. If you haven't heard by now, Mo’ne Davis was the thirteen year old phenom who took the 2014 Little League World Series by storm. Yes, a girl that got a lot of attention but had the chops to back it up. She throws harder than most boys and has a mechanically fluid wind up that looks like she is throwing effortlessly.

Ms. Davis was the first girl to pitch a shutout in the Little League World Series, along with the fact she was only one of eighteen girls to ever play in this tournament, sixth to get a hit, and the first African American girl to play in LLWS. She played for the Taney Dragons, a team in Pennsylvania. They didn't win the World Series, but the ride they went on captivated the whole nation.

Davis throws a seventy mile per hour fastball, about ten MPH faster than the average player in her age group. That translates into ninety-three mph on a full-sized diamond when using the reaction time comparison. Her wind up is very consistent throughout her pitching performances.   She is quite a marvel for any baseball fan.

Davis' impact should inspire more girls to play the game of baseball. As we all know, the term "throwing like a girl" is a tag that no boy wants to hear, but maybe it will be used more thoughtfully in the future.

In October 2014, Davis was named one of the "The 25 Most Influential Teens of 2014" by Time Magazine. Director Spike Lee produced a sixteen-minute documentary entitled "I Throw Like a Girl." Davis also threw out the first pitch of game four of the MLB World Series in San Francisco. Mo’ne Davis, most of all, brought joy and a humble attitude that captivated all baseball fans and non-baseball fans. It will be interesting to see her age and see how her journey in life evolves. Don't be surprised if this is not the last we hear from her.